Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Premium Templates - Digg Blogger Template

The Digg template was originally created for wordpress by WPDesigner and ported to blogger by Templates Para Novo.
Digg Blogger Template
Well for all the Digg fans who would want their blog to look just like, here's the three column version of this template to do exactly that. Apart from that there really is nothing much to the Digg template, although you perhaps would be interested in knowing that it is a little bit buggy with the tabs on the top moving to the left in Opera and IE6.

The Blue and white theme is maintained just like the Digg site along with the green tabs for navigation through your blog. The two sidebars are positioned on either side of the main column. Apart from that the template is quite simple but does exhibit elegance.

I also feel that there is a space under the header to add advertisements or perhaps some buttons. If you are a digg fan, go ahead and get the Digg theme.

Download the Digg Blogger Template

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