So here we have a template that caters to all the bloggers who blog about celebrities and stars. GossipCity is a well designed template that is fully packed from the header to the footer of the skin.
On the top left you find the blog title, above that there is space for the description of the blog. The header has two tones of blue and the right of it has multi colored stars. Just under that is the navigational menu that hosts links on the left, RSS buttons on the middle right and a search bar on the right.
The time stamp is located above the post headline, the color used for the headline especially on the mouse hover is very appealing, the labels find themselves under the headline after the author stamp. The comments link is located at the end of the post and has a cute icon besides it.
The sidebar has two columns of different widths located on the left hand side, but the footer is what I really like, divided into three columns that can be used for various widgets.
Download the GossipCity Blogger Theme
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