Saturday, June 13, 2009 Ping Your Posts and Get More Visitors Latest Trick

If you have been reading my blog, you would know the importance of "Pinging". Pinging your blog and our contents is an important task to gain more visitors for your contents. Here is a site called where you can submit a link, title of your posts and post descriptions to show it on the main page of the site.

The site is very new and signing up for the site is free. So, give it a try to ping your posts and articles. Pinging is very important because by pinging, you are actually telling a web server that your site is updated. So, make it a habit to ping your updates such as new posts and new articles. is very new. It would be great to take advantage to use the service because you get more backlinks from the site when you send more ping to it. I have pings several posts and I found that the site is quite responsive and fast.

The site is quite clean and easy to use. It has very less advertisements and the loading speed is quite fast too. Signing u is free. So, I recommend to use it as a way to get more visitors to our contents and to our blog.


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