Saturday, June 13, 2009

ForuMatrix - Post in Forums and Earn Money ( Real Not Fake )

Today I was directed to a forum where they actually pay you money to post in their forums. This is another idea to make extra money.

ForuMatrix has message boards / forums in News, General, Politics, Health, Religion and Programming. Forum Matrix is paying 2.5 cents for every post you make on discussion forums, regardless of the category, a new thread or reply to existing threads. So earn while you post. Registration is free and required to start posting. Your posts must contain at least 255 characters (3 lines) and should be in compliance with Posting Guidelines and Terms of Service.

If you are a Webmaster with Google Adsense Account, you can display your ads on Forum Matrix. Every message you will post on the discussion forums as a registered member will display your Google Adsense Units, and when readers click your ads, you make extra money quickly. However, before you put your ads on your posts, verify that is in accordance with Google AdSense Program Policies, and Terms and Conditions. Or contact Adsense support to verify if it is allowed.

Although it offers a unique way to increase site traffic by offering commissions to post, they will have to ensure strict quality control over content posted to assure quality discussion which will attract more interested readers and help the forum to grow.


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