It is easy to make money online nowadays. People make money using their blog, people start websites to share knowledge and make money from it, people sell stuff online to make a living, people working hard as an online part-timer to make money and so on.
Now we can even make money using social site such as Facebook, Friendster and so on but I am not talking about making money from Facebook and Friendster because it is hardly possible. I discover a social site where we can make money just by doing the same thing that we are doing on Facebook and Friendster, Socializing. The site is called Yuwie.
Now we can even make money using social site such as Facebook, Friendster and so on but I am not talking about making money from Facebook and Friendster because it is hardly possible. I discover a social site where we can make money just by doing the same thing that we are doing on Facebook and Friendster, Socializing. The site is called Yuwie.
Yuwie is a special idea and it is very unique because it is a social site that share their earnings with the member of their site. Unlike other social site, we as a member of Yuwie can actually make money using it by doing the same thing that we are doing almost everyday in Facebook such as uploading our photos, writing a personal diary, visit friend's profile and so on.
How Yuwie Pays the Members?
Yuwie pays members according to the number of views members get from other people.
For example:
No. of Views on Your Profile: 50
No. of Views on Your Photos: 30
No. of Views on Your Blog/Diary: 100
Total: 180 views
By getting 180 views, you are actually generating money from your social network. It is quite easy. The payment per view is always changing depending on the earnings of Yuwie at the month.
Is it easy to get 180 views? I would say "Yeah!!!". It is easy to get views. The more views we get, the more money we make.
The money making opportunity does not end just like that.
More Money from Yuwie:
By refering friends to your Yuwie account, you can make even more money. For every friends you refered to Yuwie, you get a from the views your friends generated. Yuwie pays you until 10th level of referrals. This means that the money you can make is almost limitless.
Joining Yuwie is Free. A lot of people already join Yuwie and make money from it. So, why not give it a try. It might be your chance to make money fast and easy.
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