::. What is Page Rank
Google Page Rank is simply Google's way of displaying how important a webpage is. Google assumes that when 1 webpage links to another webpage, it's actually "casting a vote" for the webpage. The more votes you have for your webpage, the more important your webpage will be. Google also notice the importance of other website pages linking to your website or blog. If many website link to the website's webpage linking to you then their link will be more important and will increase your Page Rank more.
To see the Page Rank of your blog or site, simply download the google toolbar by clicking this link : http://toolbar.google.com
toolbar by clicking this link : http://toolbar.google.com The google toolbar.
Now i will tell you how PR(Page Rank) is calculated. This is very important, because 90% of webmasters on internet do not understand how PR is calculated, because they do NOT know what is the formula of it. So, pay attention to this formula (don't be surprised!!) :
your PR : 0.15 + (0.85 * (a "share" of the PR of every webpage links to it))
0.15 = the lowest PR you possibly have
0.85 = The fix number that Google uses for their formula
"share" = the PR of page linking to you divided by the total number of links on that page.
Okay, don't get confused with that formula , I will give you a simple example,
(figure 1: site A links to site B)
Let's count together...
Page A : 0.15 + (0.85*0) = 0 (no site is linking to site A, hence its PR is 0)
Page B : 0.15 + (0.85*1/1) = 1 (site A is linking to site B, and the total number of links on page A is just 1)
Page C : 0.15 + (0.85*0) = 0 (no site is linking to site C, PR is zero)
Another example:
Page A (PR 1) links to Page B and Page C, so the total number of links exist on page A is 2
Page A : 0.15 + (0.85*0) = 0 (no site linking to page A)
Page B : 0.15 + (0.85*1/2) = 0.15 + 0.425 = 0.575 (site A is linking to site B,but the total number of links on page A is 2)Page C : 0.15 + (0.85*1/2) = 0.15 + 0.425 = 0.575 (site A is linking to site C,but the total number of links on page A is 2)
you should see that there is a big change between the first example and the second example (PR 1 turn into 0.575)
hmm... do you get it?
From the formula and the example above i can conclude that less total number of links exist on page which link to your page it means more percentage of PR given to your page. By knowing this you should think twice before doing link exchange to your partner's website, less links on your partner's page is better ; otherwise more PR your partner have is better for our page.
Okay, it's kind of hard and difficult lesson this time, but like many people say, we never know till we try. Yup, all lesson i have given to you is useless if you never put it into action. And another time, i try to give you another usefull information about boosting up your traffic, SEO ,SERP, and PR. Good Luck! 3nj0y
Technorati Tags: page rank, seo tips, traffic, blog, promotion, blogger tips, increase web traffic, increase blogger traffic
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