Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Premium Templates - The Insense Blogger Template

Another template by Design Disease that brought us the very beautiful Dilectio Blogger Template that this template uses. The Insense template was ported to blogger by blog and web once again and hence it gets the name Blogy Insense.Insense Blogger TemplateAre you saying wow after you look at this template? there are many reasons why you should this two column template packs a whole load of features that some three column blogger templates do not have.

Once that is done your template will be ready for you to use, it has a nice little search box on top of the sidebar, although not many people tend to use the search box. If you do not like the brown color of the template that can be changed as well, but its a pretty nice template for blogger none the less.

Download the Insense Blogger Template

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