Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Premium Templates - Rebel Magazine Blogger Template

Rebel magazine template is creation of Filipina and Netrepreneur Chiq Montes of WPThemeDesigner and changed to blogger template by Theme Lib.
Rebel Magazine Blogger Template
The two column template looks similar to Arthemia template, which we've used on one of our blogs Fractal Enlightenment. The major colours of this template are black and white.

The template design is simple and neat with an in-built RSS button and search box on the top right hand corner, which is integrated with the header. Then comes the navigation bar to place your sections, this one unlike Arthemia template doesn't have a drop down menu.

The labels, dateline and number of comments appear above the headline of your post, making it easy for the reader to select a label or category. Like many templates these days, this one too is Google AdSense friendly, with 300×250 rectangle, 250×250 square size boxes.

The right sidebar has space for 125x125 ad boxes and below are neatly outlines boxes for the remaining content.

Download the Rebel Magazine Blogger Template

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