Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Premium Templates - Reflection the Business Blogspot Template

Its rare to come across a template for blogger that you can have as a front for your business, although the reflections template that has been originally designed by Ipietoon for blogger is not made with the thought of it being a business template but it fits those shoes perfectly.
Reflection the Business Blogspot Template
The template starts off with a bold blog title, under that is a menu bar that has a beautiful mouse hover, while on its right is a flushed search bar.

Like the Zinmag templates the Reflection blogger template has adapted the same glider and this is what starts off the main column, although the design has been changed to suit the theme, but the functionality is the same allowing you to display your featured posts.

Then come the posts with the author, time and comments placed below the headline and this template also has the Read More feature integrated in the code.

The right hand column has got a welcome section, where you can introduce your blog to the readers and then it splits into 2 more columns. So you can fill in the space with some widgets. The sidebars have no effects and are bland.

Download the Reflection Blogger Template

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